December 30, 2018
Most websites use the https protocol to serve all their traffic. This is to ensure that the data is encrypted so no unintended party can read any of the data that is being sent. This is important for privacy reasons as you wouldn’t want anyone to be able to see what you are browsing on the internet and also security. You wouldn’t want other people finding out your email and passwords. Amazon offers a free and easy to use service Amazon Certificate Manager: Of course they have their own documentation to set this up however I find that their docs are rather lengthy and not really optimal for beginners. Their setups are also deliberately simple and so don’t really cover real world difficulties well. It would be nice to have some sort of discussion at the end of each doc sort of like what digital ocean provides to help with this.
Anyway without further ado here is how to set it up
for a more general case you could add *
for all sub domains. Note
domain won’t have https available in that case you still need to add that as a domain name so a more comprehensive scenario would be
and *
field is called hostname
for some dns providers. You can remove those records once you have been verified.listeners
tab. You should see http protocol already setup. Now we want to add the https protocol so click edit and choose https. Under ssl certificate click change and select the on you just created through ACM. Save this then you can close the modal. Hint: Make sure you don’t remove the existing http listener otherwise when someone enters directly in the url it wont work (e.g. using http protocol)Cheers, David
Written by David Yu who loves to build things in code.You should checkout our facebook for latest events and news